I’m always capturing footage, i get that from my Dad, he always was taking pictures, or filming a family get together, or event, so naturally i do it too, I guess. I get a lot of footage from a live venue spot in Morgantown West Virginia called 123 pleasant St because I’m there all the time. I been performing, and going to performances there since 1999. But I also remeember my father going there in the 80’s when it was called the Underground Railroad. It’s a real townie spot, but also happens to be the real music spot. Living in a college town there are a dozen of meat market clubs they hire a $50 DJ and doesn’t care about talent, 123 is not one of those clubs. Just to let you know what kind of music venue it is I have seen the White Stripes, Girl Talk, Diplo, Cappodona from Wutang, Riff Raff, and many more, but more than anything they welcome local music artist and give them a shot. So I have a bunch of footage from there that I havent had a chance to use, so I’m doing that now. Here are some clips from local artist in Morgantown WV such as Nicole Mayers, David Huston (D Hu), Patrick McKowen (P-Money), and blues artist Robbie Dunn.
Catch you next week!

Unboxing a Gift That Made My Day!
My homie Todd Gregg, who I went to high school with but I see routinely through workouts at the gym,