In this weeks episode I help Cory Reynolds, a fellow basketball friend of mine with a drumming video demo he wants to make to shop to other bands, so I called up Mark Poole from Zone 8 recording studios in Granville WV because Mark deals more with heavy metal and rock acts, and has experience recording that kind of music. I love both genres of music, but have no experience in the studio with it. I dont have the greatest video cameras but they do a good enough job for me, but I used a couple different cameras on this shoot, my T3i DSLR and my Go Pro to get 2 different angles, the lighting could be better, but it was ok. On the way back home from that shoot I’m listening to WCLG 1300 AM, they play a lot of 70’s & 80’s classic that I like when “I’m Alright” by Kenny Loggins comes on the radio, which I love from the Caddyshack movie, the song has a cool breakdown that for some reason I never thought of sampling, but that happens to me a lot, it may take me hearing a song 20 times until I realize “hey that would be a good sample”. So immediately I go home, sample the break, add some drums, and just fell in love with the beat! Had to get Xavier Williams to come and add some keys to it, but was not knowing Xavier would steal the show on the beat, we even made a piano intro for it. This is one of my favorite beats of the year so far that I made, not sure its my #1, but its close. Checkout the beat and download it for free at
Also download Big Chief’s “More Than Your Feelings Hurt” for free at