Korey Jathara Hubbard is one of the most talented songwriter and producer I have ever met in my lifetime, nothing but pure dopeness came out of this dude anytime he did anything creative. I have been in many studio sessions with many great artist, and their is a handful of them whose presence has “slightly” intimidated me, Jathara is that good, vocals, lyrics, beats, homie was the full package.
Saying all that, me and Jathara constantly butted head’s over numerous things about the direction of our music , the first verse of this song is about me. He wrote it after one of our arguments, which I wont get into, because it was meaningless, petty on both our parts, like most of the disagreements we had, and most of the time we were both right, but our communication with each other at that time was horrible. I came at him wrong in my hindsight, I would push buttons on my artist at times to motivate them, that did not really work with Jathara, who is a debater at heart, lord this boy should of been a lawyer.
To make it worse (I say this jokingly), but he wrote this verse on one of my favorite beats of the time, that’s the genius of this guy, I can never listen to this song, without Jathara getting the last word of this argument, ha ha. You got to admit that’s HBO level writing and story-line there.
Please believe we have the greatest of great times together, in the studeio, on stage performing, Korey is one of my best friends, our familys know each other, and we are bonded outside of the music, we have been through some of the same pains that life throw at you.
Jathara was very intricate in all the 6’6 240 projects as a producer, writer, and engineer.
We are planning to working on some new music this summer, that is something I really look forward too.
-by Monstalung
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My homie Todd Gregg, who I went to high school with but I see routinely through workouts at the gym,